My Wife's Date Ch. 03

This is the last chapter of a cuckolding story. If that theme bothers you, please just read something else.

If you enjoy it, great, if you don't, thanks for reading anyways. I do appreciate it.

For those that follow me, THANK YOU. My writing plan is to finally get to the many next chapters I owe you. I have been in a "write new" space here for a while exploring different angles and different topics, but it is now time to get back to my existing stories and tell the next chapter. If you have ideas or suggestions, please send me a message thru Literotica (better than a comment here for various reasons) and let me know your thoughts.

Peace, and happy reading.

* * * * *

I was headed to my lunch with my beautiful wife Susan, and her lover Patrick, who also happened to be the man who owns the company Susan works for.

As I arrived in the parking lot I got a text from my wife. We are running late, please wait in the lobby

I was going to text back, but then I reminded myself that as the cuckold in this relationship, she owed me no answers. I left my phone in the car's console and went inside. I decided, like Susan had decided, the phone was only a distraction. The hostess greeted me and I simply told her I was waiting for my companions. I gave no name, as my name has quickly become cuckold, nothing more, nothing less. But I didn't think the young hostess needed to be part of my obsession with what was becoming of my marriage and me.

It was over 20 minutes later when Patrick and my wife arrived. They arrived together in every sense of the word. You didn't have to be their loyal cuckold to see that they were a couple. She clung to his arm and their body language was that of a duo. Patrick had on a dark suit, white shirt, but no tie. It was an outfit that told the world he was casually confident. Susan was wearing a khaki skirt and a blue scoop top, and a pair of blue heals that once again qualified as fuck-me shoes. These were items I had never seen before. She made them look good.

Susan greeted me with a peck on the cheek, and Patrick shook my hand. To an outside observer, the couple just reconnected with an old friend. There was no indication that it was Susan and I that had been married for 15 years, instead it was Patrick and Susan that were the obvious lovebirds. We were escorted to a small private dining room that had a lovely booth for dining. This at least that meant I was going to be seen publicly as my wife's cuckold. Susan sat on Patrick's side and right up next to him. It was amazing to me how comfortable she was snuggling with her lover in front of me. Patrick's one hand was below the table, assumingly on her leg. She seemed very happy.

When the waitress came, he ordered them iced teas, and told her I would be fine with just water. Susan leaned over, "Cuckolds don't order for themselves." She smiled at Patrick, and he leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back. It was a slow kiss, and when they broke it, they stayed close to each other.

As I sat there demoralized, Patrick addressed me.

"You know, making love to your wife is second to none, but I do really love just kissing her too. She has such passion. You have made her very happy by recognizing a good solution to your problems. Isn't that correct Susan, you are very happy."

"As happy as a woman could be. I have an amazing lover and a loyal cuckold. What else could I ask for?"

"And that is why I wanted us to have this get-together. It is time to set some plans for the future. Your beautiful wife and I have actually spent most of the morning discussing this, so I will let her start." Patrick said and then used his hand in a gesture indicating the floor was Susan's.

My wife looked at me, took a deep breath and laid out our future.

"Baby, when you made the suggestion that I should seek a lover I thought you were crazy. But then as time passed, and our bad sex continued, I realized you were right. I needed more. At the same time Patrick started to show interest in me. Always the gentleman, but definitely interested. I started to feel these circumstances collide and I made the decision that if Patrick made a move, I would let him."

As she said this, the waitress returned with our drinks. Patrick jumped in, "Can you bring us three of the daily specials, it feels like a special day." The waitress acknowledged this and exited. Patrick continues, "Before my lover tells you the rest of the story, I do want you to know, I for one, am a big fan of your original suggestion. Big fan!" Patrick laughed and Susan joined him. She added, "I am not complaining either!"

I could see the chemistry and the physicality between them. I should have realized this lunch was going to be hard, but for some reason I came thinking otherwise. I had been spending so much time getting myself settled in the role of loyal cuckold to my wife, that it seemed like we were role-playing. And here we were barely five minutes into the lunch, and it was clear to me that my suggestion 9 months ago had taken on a life of its own, and this was not at all a role-play; it was real as real could be. I felt myself shrinking in their presence.

"Then, on that wonderful Friday afternoon, after we had wrapped up a business meeting, it was just Patrick and me. My heart was racing. He seemed nervous too. Finally, he looked at me and said, "Susan, if you weren't married, I would have asked you out months ago." I remember feeling that this was my chance. I looked at him and said, "Since when did small obstacles prevent you from getting what you want." Patrick looked at me, I smiled back, basically daring him to ask me again. He took a moment and said, "Susan, I am sensing there is a back story here, and feel free to tell me that after you answer my question. He then took a pause, looked at me with those penetrating and sexy eyes and said, "Susan, will you have a date with me?" I was shaking from nerves and excitement and I said yes, I would gladly have a date with him. At that point, Patrick got up, walked over to me, gave me his hand and pulled me out of my seat, he then kissed me. Not a peck, but a full blown kiss. I melted."

"As I said, kissing your wife is wonderful." Patrick interrupted to share. "And then I asked if you would be a problem. And you know what she said, she said you were the problem, and because of that she had permission from you to accept a date, and more. Oh, the look in her eye when she said "more" was one of pure hope and anticipation. Unfortunately, I had a weekend retreat I could not get out of, because if not for that we would have been leaving the office as a couple, but I asked her for dinner and more at my condo on Tuesday night. And I when I said "more" I think I clearly communicated that my desire was to sleep with her. She didn't hesitate, she said yes. It was clear that she wanted more as much as I did. So, I leaned into her, kissed her again, and said, "I wouldn't be upset if the date lasted until morning," and you know what she said, she looked me right in the eye and said, "I am counting on it!" Damn I wanted to take her right there and then, but instead I just pulled her in, and we kissed some more. Although I just might have squeezed her ass a few times."

Susan looked at me a bit sheepishly and said, "I know that when I told you, I skipped the part about kissing, and implied I might stay over, but the reality is I knew I was going to stay the moment he kissed me the first time. I am sorry if I left out a few details, but I didn't want you to renege on your suggestion. I needed a lover and I wanted Patrick. I wanted him so badly, that I wasn't fully open with you. And that is where Patrick and I want to start our conversation today. We promise you we will be fully transparent and honest with you."

"So, on that note, let's just cut to the chase; your wife and I have decided that we are going to remain lovers. Serious lovers, and while we can't predict the future, for now we are going to move forward month by month with the idea that we will continue to be lovers."

"And we also hope you will remain my, well really our, loyal cuckold. Will you be our cuckold, baby?"

I looked at both of them and while I should have been disgusted enough to storm out, I was so wrapped up in my cuckold experience, and felt such pressure to keep my promise to my wife, that an honest answer came out, "Yes, I will."

"Perfect!" Patrick said enthusiastically. "That is the answer we both wanted to hear."

Susan reached a hand across the table and touched mine, "You make me happy, thank you."

Just as this moment ended, our meals arrived. After they were served, Patrick asked the waitress if she could grab the package he had left earlier in the day and deliver it to us. "I have some gifts to celebrate this wonderful development!"

We started to eat, although I mostly picked at my food and tried not to look at the lovers that sat across from me. My wife was happy, I could tell. Her body language was loose, and her eyes sparkled. She looked sexy and confident. I wished all of these were aimed at me, but I knew that I had lost that possibility when my performance issues started. Once or twice as they ate, they leaned into each other, or touched each other, and it made me jealous, but also aroused.

The waitress came back with Patrick's package and he put it on the floor next to where he sat. It wasn't anything special, just a brown shopping bag with the typical twine loop handles. But it drew me to it. I kept looking at it, wondering what the gifts were. Patrick noticed me looking a few times and smiled. Then he leaned in and whispered something to Susan. She laughed, looked at me, and said, "I am sorry, but he just used our name for you, and it always makes me laugh a bit."

Patrick took over the conversation again. "We call you Cucky. It fits, you are our cuckold, and according to Susan your equipment most resembled that of a boy, so Cucky seems like the perfect nickname for you. Although Susan has said she has had a hard time saying it to you, she is still so concerned about your ego. I have tried to tell her that is you are a loyal cuckold, and really love her, you will accept the name. What do you think Cucky, should that be your nickname?"

"It is fairly insulting. I am not sure I like it."

Patrick looked at Susan and shook his head. "I told you. I think it is time we set the ground rules we spoke about. It seems your husband is still thinking he has a say in our matters."

Susan nodded, "I think you are right." Then she turned to me, "My lover has requested we set some ground rules for our interactions, and my darling cuckold, I expect you will listen to our rules for you and celebrate your commitment to me by obeying them. And before you answer, the first rule is when you do answer Patrick, you address him as Sir, and when you answer me, you address me as Mistress. Do you understand our first rule for you?"

I felt so weak and humiliated, but I also felt the blood flowing directly to my dick. This direct connection between my cuckold status and my erections was making it hard not to cooperate. I looked at my wife and said, "Yes, Mistress." And then I turned to Patrick and said, "Yes, Sir."

Patrick laughed, "I like a fast learner. So the final part of that rule is we can call you anything we like, and right now, we like Cucky, so you are Cucky and we expect you to embrace that name and respond fully when we use it. Is that understood Cucky?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Yes, Sir what?"

"Yes, Sir, I accept my name of Cucky and will be fully responsive to it."

"That's our boy. With that settled let's get to rule #2. You will obey us at all times. Now I know that sounds harsh, but Rule #2 is about remembering why you are a willing cuckold. You are doing it to make your wife satisfied and happy, something you could not do. So, always obey us to honor that commitment you made to your wife and remember, when either of us tell you what to do, or if we need to correct your behavior, we are doing it so you can best respect that commitment to your wife. And you will obey because your wife's happiness is the most important thing. Do you understand? Are you fully on-board for that?"

"I am sir."

"OK, on to rule three. And to keep it simple, and not overwhelm Cucky's brain, rule three is simple: absolutely no sex between you and your wife, without my permission. Your wife agrees this is best, don't you baby."

"Yes, Patrick. It just makes it easier. I can concentrate on just being with you."

"And I should be clearer, you can't have intercourse, no oral, no hand jobs, and because I want her lips to be entirely mine, no kissing either. In other words, you can get a hand squeeze and a peck on the cheek, anything more requires my permission."

Susan reached over and touched my hand, then while remaining in contact with me, turned and kissed Patrick passionately. It was weird, but it sent a jolt of arousal through me to be linked to her passion for Patrick through her gentle touch.

After they broke their kiss off, Patrick continued. "Oh, and the other side of that, Cucky, is no sex with yourself without our permission. Susan has told me that because you know that we are having incredible sex, you are constantly aroused, but you will just have to learn to live with that. She told me about your little ritual before and after our dates, and while it sounds mostly innocent, at least for a while, that is going to stop. You need to learn to obey without pleasure. You need to learn that the obedience is the pleasure."

Susan jumped in. "Which leads us to our present for you. Let's give it to him now, baby"

"Anything for you my dear." He reached over into the bag and pulled out a box that fit in the his hand. He placed it on the table in front of me. "This, Cucky, is for you. It is how we make sure rule #3 is respected. Go ahead and open it."

I didn't grab it excitedly, in fact my hands moved slowly. I pulled back the simple brown wrapped and saw what it was. I pulled my hands back.

"We got the smallest size, your wife picked it out. Do you know what it is Cucky?"

Very dejectedly I said, "Yes, Sir."

"Then what do you say to your wife who make a special trip to buy this just for her loyal cuckold."

I looked at my wife, I am sure the hurt showed on my face. I was staring at a chastity device on the table. My wife and her lover planned to prevent my pleasure in a very controlling way. As these thoughts, swirled in my brain, I remained quiet.

Susan, or Mistress as I was now supposed to call her, reached across the table, and once again placed her hand on mine. "Cucky, you are embarrassing me. I need you to thank me for the gift right now."

It was not what I expected to hear. It wasn't an acknowledgement of my struggle; it was purely about her. It made me angry. I just blurted out, "I don't want to wear it!"

This time the hand came across the table, but it slapped me across the face. My wife just slapped me. I was stunned.

"Don't you ever speak to me with that tone. Now compose yourself, apologize, and thank me for the gift. Do it now, James."

She never uses my full name. I could tell she was truly mad. It was funny that the slap was startling and humiliating, but her use of my full name had even more power. It crystalized my thinking. It reminded me that I had promised to be her loyal cuckold. I raised my eyes; I am sure they reflected my defeat.

"I am sorry, Sus, er Mistress. Your gift is lovely and thoughtful and if you want me to wear it, I will."

"See, that wasn't so hard. Kinda like your dick for the last 5 years. But if you ever defy me like that again, I will simply leave you and move in with Patrick, and you will spend the rest of your days lonely and pathetic. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes. Crystal clear, Mistress. I won't let that happen again, please forgive me."

"I forgive you, Cucky. And if you hadn't been such a defiant boy, and listened, you would have found out that we have another, even better gift for you. But now I am not sure you deserve it."

Patrick entered the conversation. "I tell you what, Cucky, if you are really nice and help me give your wife my gift to her, perhaps you can still get your other gift. Will you be nice?"

"Yes, Sir. I will be glad to help with Mistress's gift."

"Excellent. But we are going to change locations for that gift. I have booked us a nice suite upstairs. Let's head there now, the meal here is done. Don't forget to grab your gift, Cucky!"

Susan and I followed Patrick. We went to the elevator and entered. Susan was holding Patrick's hand, and as soon as the elevator doors closed, she turned and started to kiss him. They kissed passionately as we climbed 5 floors, and when the car stopped and the doors opened, only then did they break their kiss.

"Every part of your body turns me on Susan. From your lips, well, to your other lips, I just can't get enough of your body." Patrick said cracking himself up.

"My lips are always ready for you baby, both sets!" They both laughed. They were having fun with each other the way fresh and new lovers do, and they were having fun at my expense.

We got to the room and entered. Patrick told me to sit in the easy chair, while they sat on the couch, the bed loomed behind us in the bedroom portion of the suite.

"Susan, I have a gift for you. I hope you will wear it and think of me always. And I hope you find it both beautiful, joyful, and humorous, because that is what you have brought to my life, beauty, joy, and humor, well that and the best sex I have ever experienced!"

Patrick reached over and gave her a jewelry box. It was from a very local, very highly regarded jewelry store in town. There was only one location, and to go there you set an appointment. The rumor was that the cheapest thing in the store was $10,000. Susan looked at the box the way a kid looks at the Christmas gift they had wanted the most.

"Open it baby," Patrick encouraged her.

She did and gasped, then smiled, then laughed. And then she threw her arms around Patrick and hugged him. "I LOVE it!"

I looked, and hanging from a gold necklace that alone looked like something worth more than I make in a month, was a solid gold pendant that was actually a script-writing word, or really two words. It looked beautiful even if you couldn't read the fancy script, but when I looked closer and could read it, I realized it said, "Boss Lady". Susan picked it up and showed it to me, "Look Cucky, this is a fun pet name we have joked about, oh isn't it beautiful. I want to put it on."

"Not so fast baby, we have Cucky for that. Cucky, you are going to come around behind your wife, and clip her new necklace on her, and by doing that, you are going to present your wife to me. She will be fully mine, everyday wearing the necklace, everyday being mine. Once you present her, we become fully we, and you become a full-blown, cuckold, second in every way to me, and to your wife. You wife becomes mine, 100% mine."

"Oh, Patrick, you make me so happy. Cucky, please put it on me. Give me fully to Patrick, it will make me so happy!"

"Yes, Mistress." She gave me the necklace and I came around behind her. In a move I had done many times, I adorned my wife with a necklace she desired to wear. But this time it was the necklace that announced that she was Patrick's woman. I summoned every bit of my loyalty to the promise I made my wife and presented her to Patrick.

"Patrick, my beautiful wife is yours. I recognize that you bring her great happiness and I respectfully and officially step back and offer her fully to you. She is an amazing woman, and I am thankful she has a man and a lover that is worthy of her."r"


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